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Gain 20/20 fraud vision with Pi

Fight fraud more efficiently,
starting with a demo.
Metrics you can trust 99% average maintained approval rating1 2x faster decisioning than industry average2 427M daily decisions made on average3

Gain 20/20 fraud vision with Pi

One intuitive central cockpit icon

One intuitive central cockpit

Reduced time to react icon

Reduced time to react

Vertical and horizontal scalability icon

Vertical and horizontal scalability

Simulation Icon

Smart simulations in staging environment

Auto-adjusting models and rules icon

Auto-adjusting models and rules

Easy installation and implementation icon

Easy installation and implementation

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One intuitive central cockpit icon
One intuitive
central cockpit
Reduced time to react icon
Reduced time
to react
Vertical and horizontal scalability icon
Vertical and
horizontal scalability
Simulation Icon
Smart simulations in
staging environment
Auto-adjusting models and rules icon
models and rules
Easy installation and implementation icon
Easy installation
and implementation
Metrics you can trust 99% average maintained approval rating1 2x faster decisioning than industry average2 427M daily decisions made on average3
Metrics you can trust 99% average maintained approval rating1 2x faster decisioning than industry average2 427M daily decisions made on average3

Tried and true recipe

Pi has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for companies around the globe.


Tried and true recipe

Pi has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for companies around the globe.
